Registration company (LLC) in Russia

   If you plan to set up business in Russia LLC "Business-Law" will be a good helper for you. Our LLC provides companies registration service in Russia. Our professionals have extensive background in working with foreign business owners.

As a general rule foreign-funded company registration requires a special clarity and coherence to finish the registration procedure without any blunders and delays, the law firm "Business-Law" is ready to vouch for this process engineering.

   For your convenience, please send your questions in writing to the e-mail: or via the feedback form.


Price list.

You can select service you are interested in from the following price list:

Service Price
Preparation of documents for establishment the LLC (ltd)  700 $
Additional costs:
Address of registration for 11 months 700 $
Creating bank account 100 $
Total: 1 500 $

1500 $ are the final price for 1 founder.

Complete registration operations take about 10 – 11 work days*.

*If registration is carried out remotely from your country, the cost and terms will be different.


We need the following documents to start establishment of the LLC operations:

 (The list of documents is not comprehensive and can be updated after the consultation and before operations)

1. A filled up application form.

2. Scan or a copy of the passport (with Russian notary translation) for all participants and of the CEO or a copy of an extract from the commercial register if the founder is a company.

3. If the founder of LLC is a foreign company, the notary may require the following documents:

  • the constituent documents of the foreign company;
  • documents confirming the authority of its representative;
  • Certificate Of Good-Standing (not older than 1 year).

All foreign documents must be with Russian translation and duly legalized, the translator's signature must be notarized.


Our office are located in Moscow.

You can contact our company with e-mail:


мы на рынке
Мы на рынке
Подробно прописываем в
договоре те услуги, за которые
Вы платите, а так же перед
заключением договора предупреждаем о возможных
дополнительных расходах и
Бесплатная предварительная консультация и анализ по Вашему делу перед заключением договора (кроме нестандартных ситуаций, требующих более тщательного изучения)
Работаем на рынке юридических услуг более 10 лет
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В случае отказа в государственной регистрации по нашей вине, мы возьмем все расходы за повторную подачу документов на себя
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